Artur Garbas’s vocal performance prowess continues to shine and shimmer as the iconic bird catcher Papageno. Please enjoy my review and let me know your opinions.
romantically speaking, addams have a type…
An eclectic cocktail of slapstick humor and romantic passions percolate Jürgen Flimm’s production of Mozart’s Le Nozze di Figaro at the Staatsoper Unter den Linden with some ecstasy and fabulous artistry. Please enjoy my review and let me know your opinions.
Saioa Hernández is a reigning opera diva I have been yearning to witness live on stage. Her excellent technical prowess and flair for drama have made her own Turandot the ice princess of China. Please enjoy my review and let me know your opinions.
I may have called this “Histoires Eternelles” instead of “Histoires Naturelles” in my review. However, this Liederabend exuded timelessness, thanks to the phenomenal artistry presented that night. Please enjoy my review and let me know your opinions.
there’s homage, then ripoff. and then just not trying…
What has caught the thorn, in your eye?!
All of my previous Saban-era Blue Ranger morph attempt videos and the countdowns spawning them have led to concocting what a Forever Blue team-up would look and feel like. Recording and editing these videos were fun, and this was the grand culmination.
Although the several hours of recording, editing, and publishing my videos may be grueling, you all make it worthwhile. Thank you so much for your constant support and encouragement as I continue my journey as an online content creator.