
My RRB/PPG Ships

The PPG/RRB Shipping Chart was originally created by QuietLullabies.   Well, I am in the marvelous city of Madrid, Spain, where I will be celebrating my 26th birthday. Yes, I know, another year older, another year wiser. So, to celebrate my upcoming birthday here’s my take on the whole PPG/RRB shipping meme chart.   I have been seeing fellow artists’ takes on these pairings. Some were interesting, some were a bit one-sided, and some were actually well-thought out and I enjoyed reading their opinions on the Rowdyruffs and Powerpuffs they like or not like to pair up with. So, without ado, here’s my take on the PPG/RRB shippings.   OTPs: Boomer/Bubbles or Boomubbles- In my opinion, this has to be the most plausible and overall best of not only the color-coded RRB/PPG pairings but also RRB/PPG pairings in general. These two seem like they are destined to be for each other and are akin to the star-crossed lovers that I have seen in the media and literature, i.e. Romeo and Juliet. I am very sure that these two would start leaving behind any animosity if the Rowdyruff Boys became good guys, joined forces with the Powerpuff Girls and will be the first to show loads of forgiveness and compassion, while they are still young children. Eventually, Boomer and Bubbles would start becoming the closest of friends and comrades, thus building a healthy and genuine relationship between the two. Once they reach their tweens and teens, they would develop even deeper feelings for each other and will actually go on more dates, aside from the usual crime-fighting they have to do. Plus, in my headcanon, they would end up being the first to marry in their late teens to their early 20s and have children with Boomer being the loving, well-meaning father and Bubbles being the supportive, compassionate mother, in spite of the fact that they are the youngest of their respective sibling groups. It’s no surprise why I love the Blues when they are together. It’s because of not only their appeal of being adorable, sweet, and/or lovely but it also has this fairytale-like feel in their relationship, where after every trial, every challenge, and every hardship, Boomer and Bubbles still have each others’ backs and will seem to be the couple that will stay faithful to each other until the end of time.   The Reds and the Greens were rather interesting to pair up because not only do I like Blossick and Butchercup, even though they can be a tad bit overrated, but I also enjoy Brickercup and Blossutch as much as the former. Moreover, the Reds and the Greens don’t really have that fairy tale, lovey-dovey, sentimental vibe that the Blues have, thus showing how tough being in a relationship is, yet at the same time it is reassuring, as principles of respect, responsibility, compassion, allegiance, and trust need to be put in to practice, not only with each other but also for the good of their team. So, here’s my take on these pairings, even though I made it kind of clear in my OT4 drawing of Bricksomutchercup. I still keep my word that Brick, Butch, Blossom, and Buttercup are the strongest OT4 in my opinion, hence that’s why I dub them to be my Four Favorite Bruisers of All Time because of their unwaveringly strong personalities and overall determination. Plus, I imagine the Reds and the Greens living together under one roof, with the Blues living in another house. So, here are my explanations, anyway.   Brick/Blossom or Blossick- I put this as my first choice because they seem to be the ones who follow suit when it comes to Boomer and Bubbles being together. As they grow up and form a six-person superhero team, I can see them still obtaining responsibilities of being leaders as well as the eldest children with Brick and his large-and-in-charge warlord personality who ensures a fair fight, great combat skills from all of his teammates, and a grand victory for every mission they do and Blossom and her tendency to be the team mom who ensures strategy to be present in battle and the overall safety of not only her beloved but also her comrades. I can see their romance as not being that of a fairy tale but one that is really challenging, as walls need to be broken down, trust has to be formed, and respect and allegiance need to be put to practice. Sure, they would initially have difficulty trusting and respecting each other. However, as time goes by, they would start to see each other for who they are. Brick would see that Blossom is not always Little Miss Perfect and Blossom would see that Brick has some insecurities, which are more often than not hidden in this proud personality. Together, these two can take what primal doubts and insecurities they have and take them in stride, thus helping each other reach their full potential not only physically but psychologically as well. As young adults in their twenties, they and the Greens would even have a double wedding after their youngest siblings’ matrimony and as parents, I can imagine Blossom being the stern, well-meaning, and supportive mom and Brick being the strong, tough, and really loving dad. I really love this pairing because it does show how being in a relationship is not always easy but when two people have patience, trust, respect, allegiance, and understanding anything is possible.   Butch/Buttercup or Butchercup- Ah, yes. One of the Takahashi couples to end all Takahashi couples because of their volcanically belligerent sexual tension. They would be the couple who would argue and shout one moment and be cuddly and make love to each other in the next. As I stated before, Ranma and Akane would end up paling in comparison to Butch’s and Buttercup’s brand of belligerent sexual tension. As the toughest and most volatile fighters, with Butch being the big muscle and Buttercup being the…

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Bricksomutchercup: OT4 for Life

Since this is spring, there’s nothing lovelier nor more gorgeous nor more calming than to see my most beloved bruisers, Brick, Blossom, Butch, and Buttercup, looking nice and having a serene, lovey-dovey moment with each other in the forest. This piece of fanart is dedicated to all the shippers of Blossick, Butchercup, Brickercup, and Blossutch. Moreover, the character ages in this pic are Brick, 23, Blossom, 22, Butch, 23, and Buttercup, 22. Having to draw my favorite OT4 of all time proved to be easier said than done. Nonetheless, I accepted the challenge I bestowed upon myself. Character positioning was one thing but the one I really had to perfect was all of the hand positionings. Heavens, talk about having to decipher who holds who and I thankfully found my way around it. As if it were not already obvious, Brick has arms around Blossom with his left hand extending to hold Buttercup’s hand. Blossom has her left hand on Brick’s left arm, as her right hand is touching Butch’s hand. Butch has his left arm around Blossom’s shoulder and his right arm around Buttercup’s waist. And finally, Buttercup has her right hand touching Brick’s left hand, which is covered by Blossom’s long hair and has her left hand on Butch’s left shoulder. So, there you have it, my OT4 for life. As much as I really like to ship Brick/Blossom or Blossick and Butch/Buttercup or Butchercup, I find both Brick/Buttercup or Brickercup and Butch/Blossom or Blossutch to be equally as compatible, plausible, lovely, endearing, entertaining, and just plain awesome as the main color-coded shipping of the Reds and the Greens. I am fully aware that Blossick is shipped to high heaven, but here’s my take on this pairing. In my opinion, it’s a relationship based on trust, respect, understanding, letting go of any prejudices, and breaking each others’ walls down. When one combines Brick’s street smarts with Blossom’s book smarts, it’s a team-up to be reckoned with. Sure, Blossom has to put up with Brick’s abrasive attitude and occasional anger issues, and he has to put up with her tendency to overanalyze and overthink things. However, they seem to find common ground and iron things out, hopefully for the best. Plus, Blossom is the paradigm of morality and perfection, while Brick is the paradigm of ensuring an authoritative nature without question and impulsivity. While they might seem like the undisputed commanders and leaders on the outside, they might have their own crippling flaws on the inside, thus showing they are not perfect. In spite of their imperfections, they very much have to take them in stride not only as the eldest children of their brood but also as leaders and role models and acknowledge each others’ flaws and insecurities so that they can help each other improve without the need to be condescending nor bear any animosity whatsoever. Thus showing a relationship that over time can flourish into something more. Even more so, while Brick tends to think with his fists with a good amount of tactics, Blossom thinks with her head when planning an attack. In terms of whatever ills they had with each other in the past, they would end up forgiving each other and starting anew letting go of all the anxieties of the old and striving towards a better future. I am also completely aware that Butchercup is shipped to shipped to high heaven and here’s my take on it. Move over, Ranma and Akane! Get lost, Inuyasha and Kagome! Take a hike, Ataru and Lum! Because there’s a new Takahashi couple in town that will wipe the floor with their brand of belligerent sexual tension and overall volatility and that is Butch and Buttercup. I kind of see them as one of the Takahashi couples to end all Takahashi couples because of the fact that they are stubborn, hard-headed, volatile, and seem to be the type of people that will shout at each other one moment and make out in the next moment. It’s not like I have anything against these type of couples, with the exception of Inuyasha and Kagome, as I cannot stand how much dominance she thinks she has over him with the Beads of Subjugation, hence my deep-seated hatred for this pairing, it’s just that at times the Takahashi couple do tend to be entertaining but when their relationship status drags the plot along, it can be rather tedious to see the two characters as a plausible or healthy couple. You may be asking, why do I not like Inuyasha and Kagome as a couple, but like Butch and Buttercup together? Well, it all chalks down to Butch and Buttercup being the toughest and strongest fighters of their groups and, boy, do they do a lot of the fighting. So, being emotional or lovey-dovey or syrupy is completely out of the question, as I am sure that they are the type of people who have zero tolerance for anything saccharine. However, when they combine their combat prowess, it is definitely a team-up to be reckoned with, and their ritual as a couple would be pummeling criminals by day and making steamy love to each other by night. Inuyasha and Kagome, on the other hand, I could never get into this pairing because there are times that Kagome, in spite of her growing archery skills and her position as the main female protagonist, is often given the role of being the damsel in distress, and it’s usually up to Inuyasha to save her. While the usage of the Beads of Subjugation was meant as protection in the first half of Inuyasha, there were times in later episodes that they were used for petty punishment against Inuyasha, even if he did not deserve it. Thus, making Inuyasha’s and Kagome’s relationship kind of toxic, as Kagome comes off as domineering towards Inuyasha as the lapdog. At least with Butch and Buttercup, sure, they can get into each others’ skins, but at least they…

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Brick and Butch: Mighty Roar of Triumph drawn by me

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Brick and Butch in a very intense moment. They’ve tapped into their feral state and a roaring their guts out, all while powering up like the brawny dudes that they are. I imagine Brick to be roaring like a lion, as he is a leader who rules with two iron fists, and Butch to be roaring like a Bengal tiger, as he is the muscle who loves to prowl around for a good fight.   When I was making this, I kind of had this scene playing in my head similar to how Basuli and Tarzan scared the greedy businessman, Ian McTeague, away from the jungle with the power of their roars in the Disney’s The Legend of Tarzan episode, “Tarzan and the Poisoned River Part 2”. So, this is how it’s going to go, except with HIM swearing revenge against Brick, Butch, Boomer, Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles for foiling his dastardly plans of letting him be robbed of his ultimate form. In this scene, Brick, Butch, and Boomer are 25 years old, Blossom and Buttercup are 24 years old, and Bubbles is 23 years old.   HIM (in a menacing tone): One day soon, I will destroy all six of you superpowered cretins and I will be the most powerful being left in Townsville. Brick: I can live with that. Butch: Me too. Brick and Butch: ROOOAAAAAAR!!!!!! (Brick’s roar is that of a mighty lion. While Butch’s roar is that of an angry tiger.) (HIM is terrified but just as he is about to flee, Brick blocks his path.) Brick: No you don’t! (He proceeds to give HIM a barrage of punches.) Yo, Butch! (Brick then passes HIM to Butch, who also gives him a good punching and kicking. After he is done, Butch puts HIM in a headlock. Brick then approaches with a rather menacing on his face.) Brick: Well, you demonic freak, do you give up? HIM: Never! Brick: Do you hear that Butch? I think he wants some more. (Butch lets go of his headlock. However, just as Brick and Butch are about to further pummel HIM, he flees finally surrendering.) Blossom: Good riddance to you, HIM! (Buttercup then approaches Brick and Butch.) Buttercup: I gotta say, bro-in-law and bae. For a couple of muscleheads, you certainly know how to give good, old HIM a taste of his own painful medicine. Brick: Hey, it’s the least we can do. Butch: Besides, where would you guys be without these babies?! (As Butch says this, he flexes his biceps.) (Bubbles chuckles, but Boomer and Buttercup are not totally impressed at Butch showing off.) Boomer and Buttercup: Oh, brother. (Brick knocks Butch on the head and he winces in pain.) Butch: What the heck was that for, bro? Brick: That’s for being a stupid showoff. (He then hears his stomach grumbling.) Man, all this fighting with HIM has made me hungry. What do you say we go out for pizza? It’s mine and Butch’s treat after all. Boomer: Radical idea, big bro! Blossom: Great! Buttercup: I’m game! Bubbles: So am I! (As the sun sets, Brick, Butch, Boomer, Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles head off.) Narrator: So, after a long day, our six superheroes walk away with joy and relief. So, once again the day is saved! Thanks to Team Xtreme!   Yes, I know Team Xtreme is kind of a lame superhero group name for the combined team-up of the Rowdyruff Boys and the Powerpuff Girls but it’s kind of the only one I have that sounds cool. I don’t think this measures up to Carriedreamer’s name for the six superpowered boys and girls in her fanfic, “As Time Goes By”, which by the way is absolutely amazing, being The X-Team.   Well, I certainly had a lot of fun drawing my two favorite brawny bruisers, Brick and Butch, tapping into their feral state. So, I hope you all enjoyed this pic as well as the dialogue I concocted.   Brick and Butch, as well as HIM, Boomer, Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles, from The Powerpuff Girls, all belong to Craig McCracken.   Tarzan and the Poisoned River Part 2 from The Legend of Tarzan belongs to Disney, in which the original Tarzan belongs to Edgar Rice Burroughs.

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PPG AU: The Four Holy Beasts drawn by me

Hello, once again. Antoni, here, and this is what happens when you are a fan of not only anime like Inuyasha and YuYu Hakusho and cartoons like The Powerpuff Girls but also of Asian folklore. Such as the case of the Four Holy Beasts, known in Japanese as Shishin, Shiju, Shishou or Shirei and in Chinese as Si Shou consisting of the dragon, the tiger, the turtle, and the phoenix. So, when I combined my fascination of the Four Holy Beasts and of Brick, Butch, Blossom, and Buttercup being turned into yokai, an idea for an AU or Alternate Universe retelling was born. From left to right we have Seiryu Brick, Byakko Butch, Genbu Blossom, and Suzaku Buttercup. Yes, I know the color coding is a lot more different for the Holy Beasts like Seiryu is blue, Byakko is white, Genbu is black, and Suzaku reddish-yellow but I decided to focus more on the traits which are appropriate for Brick, Butch, Blossom, and Buttercup, as I will explain when I talk about them individually.   It should be no surprise that I am completely fascinated by the supernatural, especially when legends like this are adapted into anime or other creative works. I have encountered the Four Holy Beasts in anime like Yu Yu Hakusho, Inuyasha, and Fushigi Yugi, and each of these adaptations has something special to give to the table. For that, my fascination grew to the point where I was completely invested in knowing more about them.   Going into my AU, I envision Brick, Butch, Blossom, and Buttercup in the Edo Period of Japan as the loyal and protective warrior guardians to their respective youngest siblings, who in turn are the Celestial Rulers, Prince Boomer on the guys’ side and Princess Bubbles on the girls’ side. Do not fret, for I will definitely take care of what Boomer-oujisama and Bubbles-himesama are going to look like. Even more so, they are all married, Brick is with Blossom, Butch is with Buttercup, and, obviously, Boomer is with Bubbles. Though, since the four main protagonists of this AU are yokai, they will end up switching partners from time to time like having Brick with Buttercup and Butch with Blossom, and on a more platonic tough love between siblings level Blossom with Buttercup and Brick with Butch. These four will go out of their to not only ensure their rulers’ safety but to also have each others’ backs when it comes to fighting demons or any other mortal who dares to be an intruder to the Celestial Realm. Brick, Butch, Blossom, and Buttercup work together as one team to combine their insurmountable powers for good and to maintain the natural balance of the world. With that said, let’s get on to the characters themselves.   Seiryu Brick, also known as the Crimson Dragon, is the undisputed and choleric leader of this quartet of yokai warriors. He rules this group with an iron fist and more often than not has the final say in decision-making. As the overall eldest yokai, appearing to be about 26 years old, he ensures that his teammates not only do what he says but he also makes sure that they are safe from harm. His unparalleled skills in hand-to-hand combat, as well as his expertise in war, have certainly made Brick an ideal leader, as he can pinpoint his opponents’ strengths and weaknesses, thus using those facets to his advantage. Despite being a strong leader to his group, he is extremely prone to anger and runs the risk of being too demanding, especially when failure comes knocking at their door or when someone hurts any of his comrades. He is also prone to having clashes with his teammates from his younger brother, Butch, to his wife, Blossom, to his sister-in-law, Buttercup, when it comes to a disagreement in a plan or when power struggles occur between the four. In spite of some moments of strife, Brick deeply cares for his three comrades and he always has their backs. Brick’s main abilities are pyrokinesis, superstrength, especially when it comes to his lethal Fire Fist which can disintegrate any opponent with the drop of a hat and using his claws, which are sharp enough to slice through steel.   Brick is definitely ideal for being a dragon yokai mostly because of his fiery temper, choleric nature, large-and-in-charge, and overall manly personality. I also figure that his personality and mannerisms are akin to a warlord or general who ensures order and will not take no for an answer. He also seems to be the guy who is harsh towards his enemies and rather tender to his friends, even though he does not always show it. In terms of his outfit, I let him have a dragon tattoo on the chest to the shoulder area and I also gave him something that is also akin to a big, strong warlord. His gauntlets and shoulder pads are made of dragon scales, which also serve as his armor. Even more so, his cape is a great addition, as it makes him a proud and noble warrior who leads with not only his fists but with loads of respect.   Byakko Butch, also known as the Virescent Tiger, is the muscle of the group. He is also the savage one, as nothing can seem to tame him, unless his older brother, Brick, gives him a knock on the head, his sister-in-law, Blossom, admonishes him or his wife, Buttercup, soothes him in her own special way. As the second oldest in this group, also appearing to be about 26 years old, he also has a duty to share with Brick in ensuring that his comrades stay out of trouble. While Brick is the more analytical one in battle, Butch is the type of guy who just goes head-on without a second thought. His brute strength is what makes him both famous and infamous. Famous because he uses it to save lives and do the general…

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Quadruple Dragon Flying Kick! drawn by me

Hey, everybody! Antoni, here, and I present to you all yet another piece of fanart I did with Brick, Butch, Blossom, and Buttercup aka The Reds and The Greens aka my four most favorite characters ever aka My Four Favorite Bruisers of All Time. What better way for these two couples, who happen to black belts in karate, judo, and several other martial arts, to start their day than with getting themselves into their gis, spar with each other, and culminate everything with a grand dragon flying kick to the dawn-hued heavens. In this pic, Brick and Butch are 25 going on 26, and Blossom and Buttercup are 25.   Before getting myself to draw this, I had to be very specific on how the famous dragon flying kick looked like, as in where the arm and feet positions are. Plus, it’s one martial arts move that has fascinated me, whether I see this done in video games, anime, movies, or even see stunt people do this.   In terms of positioning my dear friends, Brick, Butch, Blossom, and Buttercup, I had to make sure that each of them was seen. I originally intended their positioning to be in a sort of diagonal line. However, that would’ve been tough to accomplish. So, as a solution to fill up the sketchpad, I had the Reds be positioned on the left and the Greens positioned on the right, and the results were more than satisfactory. Plus, their gis and general attire were mainly inspired by the likes of Ryu and Ken Masters from the Street Fighter franchise because I happen to be a huge Street Fighter fan as well.   I would also like to dedicate this picture to Blossom’s voice actress, Catherine Cavadini, who is celebrating her birthday today, as well as Buttercup’s, Butch’s, and Brick’s voice actors, Elizabeth Daily, Roger L. Jackson, and Rob Paulsen, as they all did amazing jobs portraying these characters from my childhood so wonderfully.   I hope you all enjoy this piece of fanart I did. It took time but I ultimately enjoyed making this.   Brick, Butch, Blossom, and Buttercup from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken.

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Hey, everybody! Antoni, here! As promised, I decided to make a piece of Brick, Butch, Blossom, and Buttercup fanart, after reading a good amount of fanfics mainly involving them. So, for your viewing pleasure here are, from left to right, Brick, Butch, Blossom, and Buttercup aka my most favorite bruisers in all of cartoon history posing after a nice, intensive workout plus doing a lot of Muay Thai. I took the liberty of drawing them in my style, as opposed to the original style by Craig McCracken because I kind of wanted to put my own spin on it, for lack of a better explanation. To make this more fun, I am inviting you guys to caption this picture. Yes, I have also gotten myself into the world of Caption This! So, please go ahead, be creative, and comment your captions for each of these four characters, I would be very happy to read them. Based on this piece of fanart I did, I aged all four of them up to what I think they would look like in 2018. Brick and Butch are 25 going on 26, and Blossom and Buttercup are 25. As much as I want to show it, Brick is married to Blossom and Butch is married to Buttercup, and they have been really close-knit not only with their respective spouses but also with their siblings and siblings-in-law. Starting off with Brick, I wanted to keep his large-and-in-charge and proud attitude when making this. Plus, I always found him absolutely gorgeous with long hair and he seems to be the type of guy who is charming in his own way but will beat you up when you cross his path. Moreover, I could see him ritualistically having heated sparring matches with Butch and some friendly ones with his wife and sister-in-law, Blossom and Buttercup respectively. In terms of his cap, I decided to omit that because I do fancy Brick letting his hair down. Butch was pretty easy for me, as he is the muscle and the overall big guy. I made him buffer than Brick, which is saying something, and I thought it would be nice to see Butch showing off his vascular veins. I am not good at drawing vascular, so, any fellow artists who can draw an older, more muscular Butch or even Brick, please I would also love to be inspired by your works. Personality-wise, he still has his impulsive attitude and his passion and love for going physical. Sometimes one has to leave it to Brick to discipline him in his own special way, Blossom to tame the beast within him, and Buttercup just to enjoy being with him. I actually enjoyed drawing Blossom, as she and Buttercup have always been my two favorite Powerpuff Girls. Yes, Blossom is very well-known for being the intelligent strategist at best and bossy at worst but I wanted to also bring out that bruiser personality in her. She has proven that in her battle with Princess Morbucks from “Stuck Up, Up and Away”, which, by the way, was Blossom’s greatest shining moment, and many other episodes in which she can fight to the best of her abilities. Plus, I did enjoy drawing her long Rapunzel hair and letting it down. I have always preferred it that way. Buttercup was, of course, a joy to draw. I wanted to make her hair longer, as it looked cuter than her signature shorter hair. I also wanted to keep her femininity intact, even though she is the polar opposite of Blossom, thus having Buttercup’s top slightly tattered. Plus, I always have a blast when Blossom and Buttercup engage themselves in combat. I can certainly envision that, as they seem to spar with each other all the way up to their adulthood. For quite some time, I have been toying with the idea of making fanart involving Brick, Butch, Blossom, and Buttercup, after reading and recommending some fanfics mainly involving them and looking at some fanart for inspiration. I have to say that the results were satisfactory. It took time for me to get the positions, body types, and the characters pegged down, as it was not easy at all. Still, it was an utter joy to have made this piece of work and I want to do a lot more. Thanks for reading this and having a good look at this fanart. I hope you all enjoyed it, happy captioning, and have a lovely day. Brick, Butch, Blossom, and Buttercup from The Powerpuff Girls all belong to Craig McCracken.

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Hello, once again! Antoni, here, aka the Brick, Butch, Blossom, and Buttercup FanFiction Critic and Recommender back with another recommendation starring the Greens and co-starring the Reds. It is called She Ain’t You written by SilverTonguedHunter and published on June 18, 2014. It’s rated T. It’s in English and the genre is Drama/Hurt/Comfort. All the characters here are in their mid-to-late teens.   The Greens have struck again in this fanfic and they have been joined by the Reds. So, let’s not waste any time and get on with it, shall we?   Butch, feeling like Buttercup has been inaccessible to him, as she broke up with him, decides to see other girls. However, there is one problem. They do not measure up to Buttercup’s brand of femininity, and as a resolve, he dumps his latest fling, while having coffee. The question remains if Butch really wants to rekindle with Buttercup, with Brick’s pep talk propelling him to do so. By and large, this story is simple, short, and sweet, as it is a one-shot. It did not need to complicate nor convolute things. However, if you ask me, I would’ve loved to have a little more development, as to why Butch is the way he is. The scene that really stood out to me was, undoubtedly, Brick’s pep talk to Butch, more on him later when I talk about the characters.   As to be expected, it is absolutely lovely to see Brick, Butch, Blossom, and Buttercup in this particular one-shot. Butch serves as our flawed hero who can’t stand Buttercup and her indifference towards him. In spite of that, his feelings for her grow and grow, to the point where he is sick and tired of all of these insipid flings with the other girls. Despite everything they do or say to each other, he knows that Buttercup might just be his Mrs. Right, but he is hesitant to think that. Plus, it’s also nice that Butch’s impulsive nature was intact, making him all the more balanced as a character.   Brick plays his role as the wiser older brother, given that he is in a stable relationship with Blossom. He makes sure that Butch does not do anything foolish or worth regretting. He serves as the only sane man to Butch’s impulsivity, which is something I find very endearing.   Blossom only appears in the middle, as she and Brick were having a little session with each other departs to be in her room studying. She does keep her sweetness and diligence intact, but it would’ve been nice if she had a say on this in terms of her sister, as she has known all her life. I’m very sure she could have given Butch that extra push to go back to Buttercup so that they can rekindle their broken relationship.   Speaking of Buttercup, she appears in the beginning and the end. There is no shadow of a doubt that she kept her brand of sarcasm in the first part, but it would’ve also been nice if she were given a lot more development.   By and large, the story is well-woven and well-written. However, there was one grammatical I spotted near the ending and that was the phrase “much to her upset”, which should have been replaced as “much to her annoyance or displeasure”. In spite of that, I spotted no other mistakes.   Overall, this was a rather nice and short Butch/Buttercup-centered fanfic. Even though it could’ve benefitted from more character development, I still think it’s a worthy read if you are a Greens fan. With that said, I give this fanfic an A. Some slight things do need to be fixed up, but otherwise, go read it. You might feel charmed by its simplicity.   Well, that’s all for now. Tune in later for a Brick/Blossom-centered fanfic called Wedding Madness, which was written by crazycatmommy. Until then, this is Antoni aka the Brick, Butch, Blossom, and Buttercup FanFiction Critic and Recommender wishing you all a most pleasant day. She Ain’t You by SilverTonguedHunter

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Hello once again! Antoni, or as the case may be the Brick, Butch, Blossom, and Buttercup FanFiction Critic and Recommender, here, back with another fan fiction guilty pleasure. This time, I am taking a look at another Powerpuff Girls fanfic this time involving the Rowdyruff Boys called Rowdyruffboys Apocalypse, which was written by TheUndertalker33 and last updated on June 11, 2015. It’s rated M. It’s in English, it’s in ten chapters, even though it’s left unfinished, and the main pairing is Brick/Butch. Boomer only appears in the first chapter and is never seen again throughout the rest of the story. You will find out why. Even more so, Brick and Butch are in their late teens and twenties in this fanfic.   As to be expected, I am feeling rather naughty again, as there is also one thing I have to admit. While I do feel kind of titillated by having Blossom and Buttercup being paired up as lovers in fanart and fanfics, I am equally as titillated when Brick and Butch get paired up as lovers in fan works, even though they are brothers. If it were not already obvious, this is basically an RRBcest fanfic involving Brick and Butch.   Before I start talking about the fanfic, in particular, I would like to reiterate that I enjoy Brick’s and Butch’s chemistry as brothers, and at times it’s not hard to see why some fan artists and fanfic writers would pair them together. Much like their counterparts, Blossom and Buttercup, these guys are the eldest of the Rowdyruff Boys, with Brick being first eldest and Butch being the second eldest. Sure, Boomer does come off as a butt monkey, as both Brick and Butch gang up on him because he’s the youngest and the dimmest, especially the former, given what was evidenced in the episode “Bubble Boy”, but, in spite of that, at least the Rowdyruff Boys work as a unit. Additionally, while Brick is the street-smart, abrasive, rough and tumble, and large-and-in-charge big brother who is unafraid of exposing so much machismo, Butch is the energetic muscle middle brother with bouts of psychosis. Thus, making them complement each other in a brotherly tough love way, with Butch obeying Brick’s every command like his most loyal pet. What is also recognizable about the both of them is that they are also completely impulsive and hotheaded bruisers. The slightest provocation would be enough to set Brick and/or Butch on a rampage, as they will get aggressively physical. Despite their machismo, there is something oddly charming about both Brick and Butch, and that is they don’t take crap from anybody and they both have strong and bombastic personalities to make them all the more enjoyable to watch, as these two have the closest brotherly bond.   When it comes to writing fanfics with Brick and Butch as the main focus, it is the standard procedure for fanfic authors to make Brick the more responsible and more intelligent sibling to Butch’s impulsiveness and Boomer’s naiveté. Thus, bringing more charm, diversity, and dimension not only to the boys as individuals but also as a group, especially when teamed up with the Powerpuff Girls. Even more so, Brick would usually have his own brand of tough love to make sure his brothers do not do anything worth regretting, rash or foolish, as he does carry the burden of being the eldest of his brood. Even more so, fan artists and fanfic authors also try to tap into Brick’s secret genius side, Butch’s unique brand of charm, and Boomer’s sensitivity to make them even more heroic than what they are portrayed in the TV show. With that said, let’s get on to what I thought about this particular fanfic.   The story is set in a cataclysmic location, where zombies kill people and the survivors barely stand a chance to live much further. Brick, Butch, and Boomer attack the zombies known as runners with what weapons they have. However, it is all too late for Boomer, as he is killed by one of the runners. Butch blames himself for his brother’s loss, as the two remaining Rowdyruffs have no choice but to soldier on. Along the way, Brick and Butch are doing their best to survive with what little they have and what they have to scavenge, whilst their feelings for each other grow far beyond fraternal love, as they get more intimate with each other. The way the story builds itself up was pretty well done and it knew when to put in a sex scene in the right moments rather than go at it immediately. I also liked it that it was set in an apocalyptic world, making the entire affair a survival of the fittest situation for these protagonists, as they have to survive in a world ravaged by zombies and people figuratively fighting for the last scrap of meat. However, if there is one flaw I have when it comes to the story, it has to be the fact that Boomer’s death was only imperative in the first chapter, but in the next ones, he is never mentioned again. One might think that a family member’s death would immediately hit a raw nerve on the characters like Brick and Butch and let a few more chapters or paragraphs be dedicated to honoring his legacy. However, as I read the story, it seems as though that Boomer has become an afterthought after the first chapter and he is never mentioned again. Even more so, he could’ve had a proper burial instead of just having a few words being said about his kindness and benevolence to their team. I am very sure that the author mainly wanted to focus on Brick’s and Butch’s flourishing intimacy, but it would’ve been really nice if Boomer were to have a more proper send-off with the two remaining Rowdyruffs honoring his legacy and even apologizing for all the times they have teased him.   Speaking of favorite…

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Hey, everybody! Antoni, here. I know I was supposed to review Verdi’s Aida live from the Kungliga Operan. However, last week, I caught a live stream production of Verdi’s Les Vepres Siciliennes live from the Bayerische Staatsoper, which I will most likely make a review of tomorrow, as I need to do some research about the opera’s plot. So, I do apologize for some delays in the reviewing schedule, as I had to deal with a Chemistry exam and I did need to catch up on rest so that I will not over-exert myself.   With that said, I am feeling rather naughty right now. I just caught a Powerpuff Girls fanfic that has become a real guilty pleasure of mine, more on that later. It’s called My Dear Sister, written by Yurilover89, published on March 23, 2014, last updated on June 10 of that same year, but it’s incomplete with only two chapters. It’s rated M. It’s in English and the main pairing is…here it goes…Blossom/Buttercup. There are hints of Brick/Buttercup, Butch/Blossom, Boomer/Bubbles, and Princess Morbucks/Bubbles, however, they are only mentioned via exposition. The other character to be involved in this fanfic is Ace from The GangGreen Gang. Even more so, Blossom and Buttercup are 18 years old in this fanfic, so, please, be at ease.   If it were not already obvious, this is basically PPGcest fanfic involving Blossom and Buttercup complete with some steamy action between the two. I am probably not alone when I say that although this pairing kind of titillates me on some occasions, I am sort of not a fan of having Blossom and Buttercup being lovers, given the fact that they are sisters. I am sure that there are certain people who jack off to this pairing because these two girls are sexy, but I am surely not one of them.   I will gladly reiterate that I always enjoy Blossom’s and Buttercup’s tough love as sisters because these two work so well off of each other when it comes to being opposites of each other and having great dynamics whether they engage in physical combat or show genuine care for each other in spite of their differences. When one combines Blossom’s feminine grace, overall professionalism as a superheroine, her unparalleled skills as a fighter, and her genius bruiser persona, which has always made me love her so much, and Buttercup’s rough and tumble, rebellious, tough, fiercely independent yet reckless attitude, full-fledged bruiser persona, and tomboyish cuteness, which in turn has always made her so endearing, one gets a clear understanding how these two work as characters in terms of dynamics and chemistry. This is the reason why I always enjoy these two together because they have strong personalities as the older daughters of Professor Utonium and the older sisters of Bubbles.   However, to pair them up as lovers in fanworks seems wrong as it serves to mainly titillate the mostly adolescent or young adult male demographic. Yet, to the fanfic writers’ and fan artists’ credit, I do fancy some kinky action going on between two of most favorite badass girls of the PPG. It could be their strong personalities that complement each other. It could be their bruiser personalities, what with Blossom being the genius one and Buttercup being the full-fledged one, that makes their interactions really exciting. Or it could just be because Blossom and Buttercup appeal to me a lot more than Bubbles, mostly because I am the eldest in my family and I look up to both of them for having each others’ backs and for being awesome older sisters to Bubbles. With that said, let’s get on to this guilty pleasure of a fanfic.   After a long day, Blossom and Buttercup enter their apartment to have a bit of a rest. Their respective boyfriends, Butch and Brick, have gone off to Jamaica and Bubbles has gone to Korea with Professor Utonium for some philanthropy work, leaving the two older Powerpuffs behind. In terms of Bubbles, both Blossom and Buttercup, especially the former, feel envious of their younger sister because she is so well-loved by everyone and is openly bisexual, not only being in a relationship with Boomer but also having some “sessions” with Princess Morbucks, thus making her female partner change her ways. It all comes to a head when Buttercup proclaims her love to Blossom and vice versa, and then they consummate their said feelings of love to each other. Yes, I’m fully aware that there are some people who feel rather dirty when reading this fanfic and others who feel rather aroused seeing two girls in action, but at least it’s enjoyable in a kinky fashion. Moreover, I’m very pleased that the main characters of Blossom and Buttercup are both eighteen in this fanfic, which is definitely considered to be a legal age to be a young adult in many societies, otherwise, the author would’ve faced a lot of trouble for making the girls younger than that age. It is such a shame that this story was left incomplete for four years because I would’ve loved to see where this would all go especially when Brick and Butch are thrown in the mix, it would’ve been temptingly interesting. Butch could make love to Blossom, Brick could make love to Buttercup, Brick could also make love to Blossom, Butch could also make love to Buttercup, and we could have also had a Brick/Butch moment, culminating in a foursome. I would also like this story to have a little bit more substance in terms of character development and not just titillating the mostly male demographic. Would this story also work as a one-shot? Yes, I see why not, mostly because there were times that the story did drag due to some of the dialogue and the naughty bit scenes. For example, the two girls compliment each others’ breasts, buttocks, and naughty parts all while making love in the second chapter.   Speaking of my favorite…

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Hey, everybody! Antoni, here, with another fan fiction recommendation. Yes, I know I was supposed to review Rossini’s Semiramide live from the Met. However, because of my upcoming Spanish exam, I decided to postpone that said review until tomorrow evening, as after the exam, I also have to study for my upcoming Chemistry exam with some help from my private tutor. With that said, I will be taking a look at, of course, another Powerpuff Girls fanfic called, who you gonna call written by queen caffeine and published October 9, 2017. It’s rated T. It’s in English. It’s humor/friendship, and the main characters involved are Butch and Blossom, in which they have a platonic relationship as friends. There are also hints of Brick/Blossom, Butch/Buttercup, and Boomer/Bubbles. Aside from Brick, Buttercup, Boomer, and Bubbles being involved in this story, Princess Morbucks and a few extra characters make an appearance on here. The characters are all teenagers between 17 to 19 years old. Let’s get this started shall we?   Aside from me being a fan of Brick’s and Buttercup’s platonic relationship as friends, I also happen to fancy Butch’s and Blossom’s platonic relationship, as all of their dynamics are really interesting, in my opinion. You will find out why, but first my thoughts on the entire story.   Blossom goes about her normal day doing groceries when all of the sudden Butch attempts to call her, as something drastic happened. As she approaches her home, she sees Butch who then blurts out that Brick, Boomer, Buttercup, and Bubbles have been kidnapped. Through this revelation, an unlikely friendship is formed between the articulate, intellectual, usually composed pink Powerpuff girl and the hyperactive, big shot, tough dark green Rowdyruff boy. Thank goodness that not all hope is lost, as tracking devices were placed on Buttercup and Bubbles so that they can find their location via computer. Blossom initially wants to do this rescue mission alone, but Butch charmingly lends his aid to her, making her at first reluctant but she relents. After some expert-level hacking through different systems, Blossom finds out that Brick, Boomer, Buttercup, and Bubbles are on a huge ship in different cells, where they are deprived of their powers, somewhere in the Pacific Ocean, and they were kidnapped by none other than Princess Morbucks. So, our two main protagonists suit up, head off to rescue them, and stop Princess. I’m not going to spoil the rest, but let’s just say that the climax has sufficient action and tension to make it interesting and it’s nice to our heroes kicking loads of butt, especially Blossom and Buttercup. Although the ending was satisfying, I would’ve wanted to see what happened after the final battle. Maybe we could’ve seen Boomer waking up and having a moment not only with Bubbles but the rest of the Puff and Ruff gang, that would’ve been sweet. However, as it is, the story has a sufficient amount of humor, charm, action, and enjoyment to make it an interesting and fun ride.   In terms of characters, it should be no surprise that for the most part, Blossom was in character with a few moments, where she kind of swore but not on the sailor-mouth level like Brick, Butch, Buttercup, and Princess. She manages to keep her levelheaded nature to a T and she had her deadpan snarker moments, which made her all the more entertaining as an individual character. Complimenting Blossom’s levelheadedness is Butch’s charmingly lovable idiot jock, big shot personality. Alone, he too is extremely entertaining, being at times the chivalrous pervert to not only Blossom but, of course, to Buttercup. Even more so, he has his sarcasm and hilarity to make him all the more charming. He even blurts out the relationship status for each of their respective siblings, like Boomer and Bubbles officially dating for Lord knows how long, Butch being completely convinced that Buttercup wants him even though she is rather annoyed by him, and Brick and Blossom have a lot of unresolved sexual tension to the point where she is defensive about it. When one puts these two characters together, they are not only entertaining but also pretty good teammates, with Blossom being the savvy, articulate, composed technician and genius bruiser and Butch being the muscle and the impulsive yet lovable idiot big shot jock. These two definitely have some funny moments of dialogue where on the outside they show sass and irony but deep down one can tell that they care for each other as friends. I even enjoy how Butch calls Blossom “Rapunzel”, mostly due to her attractiveness and her long hair. Princess Morbucks and her troupe of guards serve their purpose as the big bads of the story, as she uses her master plan to lure Butch and Blossom to their fellow Ruffs and Puffs almost to perfection. The other characters also serve their purpose very well, like Brick keeping his impulsive and sardonic nature, Buttercup keeping her tsundere and tough girl edge, Bubbles keeping her sweet nature, and Boomer…Well, he passed out for the duration of this story. So, overall the characters were, as always, lovable and interesting with Butch and Blossom stealing the show all thanks to their fun character dynamics.   Now with such praise, I have to give this story in terms of build-up and characters, one would think this is perfect right? Sadly, no. There were definitely some technical issues to be found, most especially in the grammar. First of all, the title’s first letters should have been capitalized, as it is the standard protocol when it comes to writing. Secondly, when dialogues are not involved, the story is written in present tense, when it should have been past tense. For anyone who aspires to write stories, please, use the past tense, as they indicate what the characters did. How this story was written seemed more like a script than a piece of fan fiction or even a book. Third, there were times that…

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