Ren and Stimpy

I would also love to mention that the different styles of music, mostly classical music, opera, baroque music and jazz, are featured in this show and is reminiscent to the like of Looney Tunes and Tom and Jerry and also influenced Spongebob Squarepants to adopt to some of its tips as well. Enjoy this tribute and I would love to hear your thoughts on Ren and Stimpy as well.

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I’m absolutely blessed to have been a part of this Nicksmissal podcast involving a couple of dismissed Ren and Stimpy spin-off shows, with my great friend, Patricia Miranda. So, Patty, thank you so much for having me on board for this. Fun fact, this was also recorded on a school night, about 11:45 PM in German time of all things. Regardless of that, I had a lot of fun and I would love to participate in a lot more. 🙂

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