
Impactful Blows and Forceful Chokeholds drawn by me

This piece of Powerpuff Girls fan art is dedicated to a fellow DeviantArtist, Mila aka Grace-Zed. So, Mila, I wish you a very blessed, wonderful, and awesome birthday and I hope you enjoy this post. There’s nothing more satisfying and exciting than seeing Boomer giving his big bros, Brick and Butch, the beatdown they wholly deserve due to the fact that he has not forgiven them for taunting and bullying him in the past. Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles are totally worried that Boomer might take this combat practice/fraternal beatdown too far. Mitch and Bunny are there to join combat practice and are rendered frightened by Boomer’s justifiable yet unhinged fury. Narrator: The City of Townsville. Team Xtreme Headquarters and what an exciting day for our beloved superhero team, Team Xtreme, to engage in some intense combat practice. (Boomer is slammed against the wall. Two looming figures approach him and they are revealed to be Brick and Butch.) Brick: Come on, Boomer! Butch: You think a dummy like you can stack up to big, scary dudes like us?! (Boomer stands up.) Boomer: I’m not gonna give up, big bros. I’m gonna rip you a new one and I’m gonna show you that I’m stronger than the both of you! Brick: Ha! In your dreams, Dum-B! Butch: Yeah! (Boomer charges at them only to be incapacitated by Brick’s uppercut and Butch’s roundhouse kick. Once again, Boomer is slammed to the wall. Brick approaches Boomer and lifts him up by the neck with Butch cracking his fists. Both of them have ominous looks on their faces.) Brick: Awww…What’s the matter? Too much of a baby to beat us? Butch: Face it, Boom, you’re weak! Blossom: Brick, Butch, don’t you dare say that to Boomer! Buttercup: Yeah, you heard Leader Girl! You know Boom Boom Blue is gonna kick your butts somehow. Bubbles: Uh, girls, take a look at Boomie. (Boomer growls like a wild animal and knocks Brick’s choking arm with his fists. From there, he unleashes a barrage of punches and kicks to Brick including one forceful punch to his cheek, thus knocking a couple of teeth out and spewing blood and saliva. Brick lands on the mat with a heavy thud.) Mitch: All right, Boom, you da man! Bunny: Oh, goodness, I hope this doesn’t end too horribly. (After that, Boomer lands another forceful punch on Butch’s abdomen. The impact is so painful that blood and saliva spew from his mouth. Boomer lands more punches and kicks to Butch’s abdomen, thighs, eyes, cheek, and even gives him a headbutt. Butch also falls on the mat.) Narrator: Wow! Folks, this is just an incredible sight! Just look at Boomer go! At this rate, the impact of his punches and kicks have left Brick and Butch completely incapacitated. Can somebody stop him before it’s too late? (Boomer the drags Butch and Brick to the center kneeling, as the two older brothers are regaining consciousness.) Brick (groaning): Aw, crud. Butch (moaning): Aw, man. (Boomer is looming at Brick and Butch.) Boomer (ominously): Welcome to Heck. (Boomer places his legs on Brick’s and Butch’s legs and places his strong arms on their necks. He begins the chokehold on the both of them and whilst doing that he emits a bear’s growl.) Brick (wheezing): You think you can do better than that, Boom? Butch (wheezing): Yeah, you big dummy craphead. (Boomer’s grip on Brick and Butch tightens even more and his bear’s growl increases in volume. He continues to apply a lot of pressure on his neck and leg grips to the point where Brick and Butch are gasping for air and keep hitting their hands wildly on the mat.) Brick and Butch (in stifled voices): Tap out. We tap out, little bro! (Boomer’s rage continues to grow, as his grip tightens even further and his animalistic growling is ever increasing, and blood is flowing from Brick’s and Butch’s mouths.) Blossom: Uh…Boomer…I think you should let go now. Buttercup: Yeah. I know Brickhead and Butcher deserve it and the beatdown was kind of fun while it lasted, but they almost look they’re about to die. Bubbles: This is starting to scare me, Boomie. Brickie and Butchie are probably begging for their lives now. Boomer: Not until they apologize for all the crap they did to me! Butch (wheezing and almost letting out a scream): Okay, okay, Boom. We’re sorry for calling you all those crappy things. Brick (wheezing): Now, can you please let us go? (Boomer has just regained his senses and releases his grip. Brick and Butch fall nearly lifeless to the mat.) Boomer (standing up with a cold tone in his voice): Just let that be a lesson to you, big bros. Don’t screw around with me. (Brick and Butch groan painfully.) (Mitch and Bunny are left dumbstruck.) Mitch: Uh, Bunny Rabbit. Bunny: Yes, Mitchie darling. Mitch: Remind me to never be on Boom’s bad side. Bunny: All right. (Boomer walks out of the mat still with a cold expression on his face. Mitch, Blossom, Buttercup, Bubbles, and Bunny approach with caution.) Blossom: Um…Great work you did there, Boomer. Buttercup: Yeah, you showed Brick and Butch who the strongest was. Bubbles: We…um…knew you could do it. Mitch: And…they had it coming too. Bunny (nervously): Yeah. (Boomer’s cold expression subsides and he cracks a satisfied smile.) Boomer: Yeah, I guess I did show my big bros that I’m stronger than them. And you know how it makes me feel? Mitch, Blossom, Buttercup, Bubbles, and Bunny: Yeah? Boomer: It makes me feel totally awesome! YAHOOOO!!!!! (Boomer launches himself up to the air like a rocket and laughs jubilantly.) Boomer: Look at me, world, I am the champion! Woohoohoo! Yeah! (Boomer does a victory dance by doing somersaults, kicking his legs, and stretching his arms with joy in the air.) Blossom: Well, I guess Boomer accomplished something great today. Buttercup: Something tells me we’re never gonna hear the end of it. Bubbles: But you know what? I…

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Boomer Protecting His Most Favorite Ladies drawn by me

This piece of Powerpuff Girls fan art starring Boomer, Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles is dedicated to kuku88, a fellow DeviantArtist who is also very well-known for a fanfic I really enjoyed called Cheater, Cheater Heartbreaker starring Brick, Butch, Blossom, and Buttercup and who is also celebrating her birthday today. So, kuku88, I wish you a very blessed, prosperous, and awesome birthday and I hope you enjoy this piece of fan art and this overall post. Moreover, I dedicate this to all of the wonderful shippers of Blossoomer, Boomercup, and Boomubbles. It’s summertime in Townsville. And while it’s supposed to be a day where everything is blissful, especially when one is going to the beach, our hapless heroines, Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles, have found themselves in a bit of a pickle, as in being chased by a perverted, wicked flash mob. Luckily for them, they have someone as big, strong, handsome, noble, and totally awesome like their most favorite Rowdyruff and teammate, Boomer, to be on their side to guard these beauties from those puerile, putrid perverts. What? You think Brick and Butch are the only Alpha Males in Team Xtreme? Well, Boomer can certainly prove that he is just as much as an Alpha Male like his big bros. Here’s the scenario. Narrator: The City of Townsville! And it’s Summertime for our beloved superhero team, Team Xtreme. Brick and Butch have no time to slack off, as they are in constant competition with each other from weightlifting to swimming. Boomer is just basking in the sun. While the ladies…well… (Blossom’s, Buttercup’s, and Bubbles’ screams from the distance are heard and then come nearer, as the three heroines are being chased by young men wearing smug, predatory faces trying to take a picture of one if not all of them.) Pervert 1: Hey, babe, I wanna picture of you flashing your boobs! Pervert 2: Yeah, I wanna have a go at the cutie pie. Pervert 3: Yo, man, I want the muscle chick! Rest of the perverts: Hey, why not have a threesome?! Perverts: Heck, yes!!! Blossom: Unbelievable. It’s summertime and we superheroes deserve a break and this is how we get paid for our work? Buttercup: Stop whining, Leader Girl! These jerks speak only one language and it’s called grab them by the you-know-where. Bubbles: Bloss, BC, I see Boomie! He can save us! (Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles kick it up to high gear, as they rapidly approach Boomer, who awakes from his sunbathing.) Boomer: Hey, darlings, what’s going on? Bubbles: Boomie, you gotta help us! Buttercup: Yeah, Boom Boom Blue, there are some pervs wanting to have their way with us! Blossom: Indeed, Boomer. I know that Brick and Butch are very much the musclemen of Team Xtreme, but you are our only hope too. I know you are just as strong and much of a hunk like your brothers. So, what are you waiting for? The pervert army is coming! The pervert army is coming! (Boomer puts on a serious and determined face, as he sees the slimy pervert band approach.) Boomer: Don’t worry. Stay with me, miladies. Those buttheads will have to get through me first if they wanna trample all over my dead body. Buttercup: Well, let’s hope your muscles will do their work in driving those pervs away from us, Boom Boom. (The pervert band then run to the girls. However, just as they are about to take a picture of Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles, they are stopped by Boomer who does not look too happy.) Boomer: Hey, you. Yeah, you dumb perverts. Leave my girlfriends alone! Pervert 1: Woah. Hey, man, we didn’t mean to have our way with them. We just…um…wanted to court them in a friendly way…right, guys? The Rest of the Pervert Band: Yeah, sure. Boomer: It doesn’t look that way to me. By the way, I also got something else to say. First, Buttercup, you got anything to tell these dummies? Buttercup: Yeah. (Gives a thumbs down like in the picture.) You’re going down, pervs. (The pervert band gulp, as they see Boomer raise his mighty arms. Their expressions range from awe to intimidation, as if though they were in the presence of an Olympian god. Boomer then flexes his tremendous biceps and lets out a tiger’s growl.) Boomer: Grrrr… (The pervert band then shivers.) Boomer: Not convinced, huh? (Boomer then flexes his deltoids and lets out a lower, more spine-chilling tiger’s growl.) Boomer: Grrrr…Now, get out before I give you a pounding. (The pervert band scream and run away like bats out of hell.) Blossom: Thanks so much for protecting us, Boom. We owe you one. Buttercup: Yeah, Boom Boom, you were the bomb. No pun intended. Bubbles: Oh, Boomie! You saved us all! (Bubbles then smothers Boomer with kisses and hugs. Blossom and Buttercup also give him kisses and hugs, thus leaving him with a huge lovestruck grin on his face.) Boomer: Hey, darlings, don’t mention it. It’s always my pleasure to help out my favorite ladies when they’re in need. (Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles giggle. Brick and Butch just came back from their swimming match and approach Boomer and the girls.) Brick: So, what’s up, teammates? Butch: Anything exciting that went on? Boomer: Oh, just the usual stuff. Blossom: Enjoying the sun. Buttercup: Witnessing the surf. Bubbles: And just having a fun, fun summer! (Brick, Butch, Boomer, Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles laugh.) Narrator: Well, talk about having a crazy summer. So, once again, the day is saved! Thanks to Boomer! Bless his awesome body and noble soul. As you can tell, one should never mess with Boomer given how he flexes his biceps here. Blossom is totally relieved to have someone like him around. Buttercup is giving the thumbs down to show that whoever approaches Boomer will automatically go down. Finally, Bubbles is screaming her poor head off, as some foes are approaching. Well, kuku88, I hope you enjoyed my birthday present for you and I wish…

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Welcome to the Lions’ Den drawn by me

This piece of RRB/PPG fanart, known in my headcanon as the superhero team Team Xtreme, is dedicated to a fellow DeviantArtist, Petia or jailbaitCAT, who is celebrating her birthday. So, jailbaitCAT, I hope you enjoy my gift to you. Your Rowdyruff Boys/Powerpuff Girls fanart is completely amazing and entertaining and they leave me with a huge smile on my face. I wish you a great birthday and lots of love to you. It is commonplace that lions stick and fight together as one pride. Well, for Team Xtreme they are proof positive. Moreover, it looks like our dear Team Xtreme members have gone feral, as in they are acting like lions roaring at the top of their lungs and protecting their pride against any trespasser. Their prey of choice would usually be vandals, arsonists, robbers, demons, monsters, and all types of villains who dare disturb their peace. They also hunt for the usual antelope, zebra, and buffalo much like every lion. Brick and Butch are the Alpha Males of this pride. Their fierceness, strength, and ferocity are legendary. If any invader dares to trespass or disturb the peace, these muscular warriors will not hesitate to sound the call by beating their chests complete with their earth-shattering roars and let their teammates come to arms. In terms of their relationship with each other, they enjoy testing their strength and engaging in close-contact battles with each other to prove who the stronger Alpha Male really is. They are also tough on their younger brother, Boomer, but tender to their mates, Blossom and Buttercup, and even playful to their youngest teammate, Bubbles. Boomer may not be that much of an Alpha Male like his older brothers but he is very reliable in terms of his incredible strength and speed. Brick and Butch love to show their dominance by flexing their muscles at Boomer. He would retaliate by flexing back at them and challenging them to a wrestling match. Back when he was a cub, he would always lose to Brick and Butch. However, now as a full-grown adult, he manages to show his older brother who they should never mess with. While he has a mate in Bubbles, he also likes to get it on with Blossom and Buttercup with his older brothers’ approval, as they know how close he is to all of the girls. Blossom and Buttercup function as the queens of their tribe. Their authority, courage, fierceness, and combat prowess are indubitably unrivaled. Blossom bears intuition, intellect, and agility which make her reliable in planning attacks. On the other hand, Buttercup bears a warrior’s pride, as she loves a good challenge. Seeing as they are Brick’s and Butch’s mates, though they also trade mates from time to time, Blossom and Buttercup ensure that they do not do anything rash, thus having their agility and speed be a perfect complement to Brick’s and Butch’s brawns. They are also tender to Boomer, as they see that underneath his brawny shell lies a kind soul who is willing to protect their pride. Bubbles may be the youngest and the sweetest on the outside, but anger her and she will unleash her unbridled fury on those who oppose her. She’s playful and respectful to Brick and Butch, loving and tender towards Boomer, as he is her mate, and extremely close to her older sisters, Blossom and Buttercup. Moreover, she loves to ensure the peace within their pride. Well, I hope you enjoy this. Now, Brick, Butch, Boomer, Blossom, Buttercup, Bubbles, any last words for our viewers? Brick: Yeah. Butch: We got this to say. Boomer: And we hope you listen. Blossom: And look closely. Buttercup: Because if you don’t… Bubbles: Well, let’s just say something unpleasant might happen. (Brick and Butch raise their arms up in the air then stretch them sideways. After that, they flex their biceps.) Brick and Butch: Grrrrr…..ROOOOOARRR!!!!!! (Brick and Butch then take a deep breath and beat their chests complete with Tarzan’s signature ululation.) Brick and Butch: AAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!! (Boomer flexes his pecs while putting one knee on the ground.) Boomer: Grrrrr… (Boomer then flexes his bicep.) Boomer: ROOOOOAAAARRR!!!! (Blossom gets into a crouching position and raises her hand, as if though she were going to claw he prey.) Blossom (starts hissing, then…): ROAAAAAARRRR!!!! (Buttercup gets herself into her combat stance with claws unleashed.) Buttercup: ROAAAAAARRRRR!!!!!!!! (Bubbles prepares herself to lunge and unleashes her claws.) Bubbles: ROOOOAAAAARRRR!!!!!! Brick, Butch, Boomer, Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles: Grrrrr… Bubbles (cheerily): Oh, by the way. Brick, Butch, Boomer, Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles: Happy birthday, Petia aka jailbaitCAT! We hope you have an awesome birthday. Take care and lots of love from all of us. Well, I hope you enjoyed this. Now if you excuse me, I have to prepare for a Spanish exam tomorrow. As we say in Spanish, hasta la próxima y Buenas Noches. Brick, Butch, Boomer, Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

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Morning Routine: Brick and Butch Style drawn by me

Narrator: The City of Townsville! And what a bright new day it is for our beloved superhero team, Team Xtreme. Let’s see what they’re up to. (Team Xtreme Headquarters. Boomer, Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles are still sleeping. Brick and Butch enter their bedroom in speedos and they open the curtains to let in the sunshine.) Brick: Mornin’ teammates. Butch: You guys slept well? (Boomer, Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles wake up to see Brick and Butch under the gleaming sunlight flexing their muscles for the four of them to see.) Boomer: Uh…Yeah, big bros…I slept well, hehe. Blossom: I think my heart skipped a beat. What about yours, Buttercup? Buttercup: Yeah, mine too. Bubbles: WOW! OH, MY GOODNESS! YOU GUYS LOOK AMAZING! (swoons) I feel like as if though I were greeted by the gods of the morning. Brick: You like what you see, teammates? Butch: We’re sure you do. Brick and Butch: We bet you wanna bask in our muscular glory. We’re sure you’d all like that. (They turn their attention to Boomer who’s nervous.) Brick: Awww…What’s the matter, Boom Boom? Butch: Are you jealous? Boomer: Um…No, I just like seeing you guys in the morning. Hehe. (After Boomer, Brick and Butch turn their attention to Blossom and Buttercup who are about to have a nosebleed.) Brick and Butch: Well, Blossy and Butterbabe, let’s say we mosy ourselves down to the breakfast table after this little rendezvous. (They flex their pecs in front of Blossom and Buttercup.) Brick: I know. Butch: We’re amazing. (After that display, Brick first kisses Blossom and then Buttercup in the lips. Butch does the same thing first with Buttercup then with Blossom.) Brick and Butch: Bubbles, sweetie. (Bubbles giggles, as Brick and Butch flex their biceps in front of her. She touches their muscles and is squealing with excitement.) Brick: That’s right, Bubbles. You like this kind of stuff, do ya? Butch: We bet you do. Bubbles: Yeah. You are so dreamy. Brick: Lil’ bro, Blossy, BC, Bubs, we hope you enjoyed the show. Butch: Meet us at the breakfast table and have a fabulous day. (Brick and Butch depart the bedroom and wink at Boomer, Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles.) Boomer, Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles: Wow. That was something. You have to leave it up to Team Xtreme’s two big, strong, sexy studs, Brick and Butch, who know how to start the day in their own charming, alluring, and interesting way. For that, Boomer is a little bit nervous, as to what he is seeing in front of him, but he still finds his big bros rather amusing. Blossom and Buttercup are drooling and are having nosebleeds in Brick’s and Butch’s godly presence. Finally, there’s Bubbles who is completely head-over-heels about Brick’s and Butch’s well-toned, buff, and awesome physiques. Brick, Butch, Boomer, Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

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And The Songbirds Keep Singing drawn by me

“And the songbirds keep singing Like they know the score And I love you I love you I love you Like never before” – Eva Cassidy (1963-1996) I would love to dedicate this piece of fan art not only to the shippers of Blossoomer, Boomercup, and Boomubbles but also to a really wonderful DeviantArtist, Sweatshirtmaster, who is celebrating her birthday today. So, Sweats, I hope you enjoy this piece of work I did as a gift for your very special day. Happy birthday and continue to be the awesome artist that you are. Here we have Boomer and his most beloved darling belles, Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles, in a field of daisies and looking very contemplatively at the sky, presumably at all the birds flying up in the air in different directions. What’s not to love about the Fearlessly Fabulous Four having a moment where one’s heart melts so easily? Boomer, Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken.

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Let’s Have a Super Fly and Fab Summer, Homies!

It’s Summertime! And for Boomer, Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles, aka The Fearlessly Fabulous Four, it’s the time where they have to look totally fly complete with shades, for the temperature has been rising in good, old Townsville, USA.   I definitely enjoyed drawing this, as I was able to color their respective sunglasses and attire and the results were extremely pleasing.   Boomer has definitely brought out his inner Muscles Glasses from Epic Meal Time. From the stoic expression to his awesome built he certainly makes the cut. Personality-wise, he’s more of a Tyler. Makes me wonder what Townsville’s version of Epic Meal Time looks like in terms of the cast. Obviously Brick fits Harley the most, Butch would be akin to Muscles Glasses, Boomer might be Tyler, and maybe other guys like Mitch Mitchelson and Mike Believe would be brought in to complete the roster. Let me know in the comments what your ideal Epic Meal Time Townsville Edition cast would look like.   Blossom looks absolutely gorgeous. I am so happy I was able to get her stylishness down to a T and those rose-tinted glasses are a perfect fit.   Buttercup admittedly acts more like Muscles Glasses in this picture given her equally stoic expression and the camouflage pants are a great fit for someone who is Team Xtreme’s toughest fighter.   Finally, there’s Bubbles. I cannot tell you how much effort I had to put in order to get the peace sign down to T, but for what I accomplished I am rather proud of myself.   So, there you have it. Four fabulous comrades consisting of Boomer the lovable, buff gentle giant, Blossom the genius bruiser, Buttercup the feisty bruiser, and Bubbles the kickass Genki girl all enjoying their summer. What are you waiting for? Grab your shades and bask in that summer glory.   Boomer, Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken.

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Training with the Fearless, Fun, Fabulous Four drawn by me

Quick question, dear viewers. What happens when you combine a buff gentle giant like Boomer, two bruiser babes like Blossom and Buttercup, and one kickass Genki girl like Bubbles? You get a stunning superhuman team that knows how to have fun but is also serious about giving baddies a good butt-kicking! Their ages in this pictures are as followed, Boomer is 26 years old, Blossom and Buttercup are 25 years old, and Bubbles is 24 years old. As you can, see our dear friends, Boomer, Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles, seem to enjoy themselves in their Muay Thai training. And based on their expressions, they are going to open up a can of whoop-ass. Boomer, Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

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Boomsomutterbles: A Most Lovely OT4 For Life

This piece of fan art is dedicated to all of the shippers of Blossoomer, Boomercup, and Boomubbles. Let’s all unwind and take a nice stroll with another beloved OT4 from the Powerpuff Girls universe, Boomer, Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles, which is thus connected as Boomsomutterblesor, as I would like to call them, The Fearlessly Fabulous Four. We obviously see, from left to right, Boomer, Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles looking rather serene and placid in a forest with an orange tree, an apple tree, and a garland of flowers that serves as a bridge between the two. Much like my previous Bricksomutchercup fan art, Boomer is 23, Blossom and Buttercup are 22, and Bubbles is 21. While I do love Brick, Butch, Blossom, and Buttercup because of how tough, strong, and awesome they are together as an OT4, combining Boomer with all three Powerpuff Girls is not only fascinating but it also paves the way for a healthier, more civil, and more loving relationship with the four of them and the shipping plausibility that Boomer has with not only Bubbles but also with Blossom and Buttercup is rather intriguing, thus making interesting dynamics come to fruition. Moreover, I have always seen Boomer as the first Rowdyruff to drop the nasty act and become the Powerpuff Girls’ greatest friend, ally, and companion and I see Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles as the ones who are more positive influence in Boomer’s life and, therefore, aid him to be a much better, more loving, and an overall happier person. On a side note, this particular OT4 could very much have the scenario of any well-written harem anime akin to Ah! My Goddess and Saber Marionette J, where Boomer is the misunderstood, frustrated young man who is so sick and tired of being consistently picked on by his older brothers, Brick and Butch. By no means would he be a spineless male lead, Boomer is much better than those typical male protagonists in harem anime, as he would call off Brick and Butch for their bullying and condescending attitude and tell them to screw off. That is until he meets Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles does he not only secretly admire them but he also longs to have better companionship. Boomer, Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles would not understand each other at first, but Bubbles, being the optimist, decides to welcome him with open arms. Obviously, Bubbles is the cheery, loving, optimistic, fun-loving young lady who loves to see the best in everyone and certainly feels very close to Boomer. Buttercup is the stubborn, athletic, rambunctious, fiercely outspoken tomboy with a rather soft center that might be discovered by Boomer. Finally, Blossom is the book smart, eloquent, composed, virtuous, ladylike diplomat who sees beyond Boomer’s hard shell and realizes how much he’s hurting and how much he wants to be more loved. Thus, these three young ladies would give Boomer love in their own special ways, Blossom with her poise, compassion, empathy, and willingness to help him become a better person, Buttercup with her own brand of tough love, thus ensuring that he stands up for himself, and Bubbles with her overall purity, unwavering kindness, compassion, love, and light that she brings to Boomer, thus making his affections for her rather infectious. Essentially, Boomer does match Keiichi Morisato’s everyman nature and Otaru’s energetic personality. Blossom bears Belldandy’s and Cherry’s composure, elegance, and diplomacy while being a little more physical and outspoken. Buttercup has Urd’s feistiness and Bloodberry’s fierceness, athletic prowess, and toughness. Finally, Bubbles indubitably has Skuld’s cuteness, enthusiasm, and innocence as well as Lime’s endearingly energetic personality. Speaking of pairings, I know I made it really clear in my other two works involving Boomer, Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles as well as the RRB/PPG pairing chart, but here’s the keyword version of my thoughts on the Boomer-centered pairings. Boomer x Blossom (Blossoomer)- endearing, plausible, charming, sweet, healthy, lovely, bears an innocence in terms of having the inwardly gentle Boomer and the diplomatically eloquent Blossom being paired up, has the potential to be a beneficial romantic pairing, makes me empathize these two, as Boomer is my most favorite Rowdyruff of all time and Blossom is my most favorite Powerpuff of all time next to Buttercup. Speaking of Buttercup. Boomer x Buttercup (Boomercup)- hilarious, cute, charming in an offbeat way, interesting role reversal with Boomer being rather submissive to Buttercup who wears the pants in this relationship, makes a great source of entertainment, just as healthy, as they help build each others’ self-esteem through encouragement and breaking down each others’ walls, functions more as a platonic pairing though more power to anyone who enjoys pairing these two up. Boomer x Bubbles (Boomubbles)- the healthiest, most endearing, most plausible, the loveliest, and, in my opinion, the greatest of the color-coded RRB/PPG pairings, bears a fairy-tale-like element with Boomer doing everything he can to keep Bubbles safe from harm, star-crossed lovers akin to Romeo and Juliet and Tristan and Isolde, meant for each other despite all odds, shows the most stability in terms of their overall synergy, hence Boomubbles being my Number 1 OTP for life when it comes to RRB/PPG pairings. Well, I hope you enjoyed this piece of fan art as well as my post and until then, have a lovely summer! Boomer, Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

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OT4 Death Match: Gallant Guardians vs Brawling Bruisers

Ladies and gentlemen! Boys and girls! Animation fans of all ages! You are all invited to witness this transatlantic four-person superpowered MMA battle between Tokyo, Japan’s very own Gallant Guardians and Townsville, USA’s very own Brawling Bruisers! This battle is going to be exciting, as we have four supernatural warriors squaring off against four superheroes. Hold on to your, hats, folks, because the temperature is about to rise and pulses are about to accelerate! So, here are the team members, and give them a round of applause! On the topmost layer standing behind a green background are the members of the Gallant Guardians. Inuyasha “The Beastly Executioner”, aged 35 Ginta “The Dashing Warlord”, aged 34 Ayame “The Fiery Whirlwind”, aged 32 Shunran “The Spring Mirage”, aged 31 On the bottom layer behind a red background are the members of The Brawling Bruisers. Brick “The Lord High Bludgeoner” Green, aged 26 Butch “The Baron of Brawn” Green, aged 26 Blossom “The Commander and the Leader” Utonium-Green, aged 25 Buttercup “The Toughest Fighter” Utonium-Green, aged 25 Now with that said, here’s the order of who they are going to individually fight against. Inuyasha vs Brick- We got two strong-willed, hotheaded big guys squaring off against each other. This is going to be fun. Ginta vs Butch- It’s strength and speed against pure muscle. Who comes out alive will be determined by this match. Ayame vs Blossom- It’s a clash consisting of grace, beauty, tact, toughness, endurance, and stamina. These ladies certainly have it made for each other. Shunran vs Buttercup- Delicate yet mischievous feminity clashing against hardcore tomboyishness. I believe the mostly male demographic is wholly prepared for something like this. What are you waiting for, folks? Comment below of which OT4 is going to come out alive from this epic match. And now… LET’S GET READY TO RUMBLE!!! Inuyasha, Ginta, Ayame, and Shunran from Inuyasha belong to Rumiko Takahashi and Sunrise. Brick, Butch, Blossom, and Buttercup from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

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Pumped Up and Prepared to Pummel drawn by me

I have a question for you all that I am confident you will know the answer to.   What happens when you combine two virile, brawny studs in the forms of Brick and Butch and two tough, sexy babes in the forms of Blossom and Buttercup?   You get one of the most badass and most epic quartets not only known to man but also, to some extent, superhero history and even all of Townsville. Ergo, two rough, brawny, studly hunks plus two kickass, tough, fierce ladies equal Townsville’s Strongest Brawling Bruiser Quartet! Here we have Brick and Butch being the absolutely shredded muscle beasts and pillars of unlimited fortitude that they are and showing off their vascular veins, and their babes for life, Blossom and Buttercup, cracking their knuckles with a look of ferocity, fierceness, and determination and preparing themselves to knock out any criminal who dares to cross their paths. Just their presence alone is enough to make anyone quake at the sight of not only Brick’s and Butch’s muscles but also Blossom’s and Buttercup’s toughness and unparalleled combat skills.   So, children and all those who are young at heart. Remember. Don’t do any form of crime. Or else these four brawling bruisers will make you do the time in a mega hardcore manner.   Brick, Butch, Blossom, and Buttercup from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken.

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