
Sexy, Wild Couples in the Forest drawn by me

This piece of Inuyasha x Ayame or InuAya and Ginta x Shunran or GinShun fan art is dedicated to InuGrrrl, Anais Elise Nguyen aka aniasnguyen, Raquel Cisneros aka RaquelCisnerosTaisho, Ashley Smith aka dicloniouslove, Fururin, and Noriko aka norikomaster who celebrated their birthdays several weeks ago. So, I hope you all had such magnificent and phenomenal birthdays and I wish you a lot of love, joy, prosperity, and abundance in your lives as artists and people. Como se dice en español, yo espero que hayaís tenido cumpleaños magnificos y fenomenales y os deseo mucho amor, alegría, prosperidad y abundancia en vuestras vidas como artistas y personas. This is also dedicated to all of the wonderful InuAya and GinShun shippers out there. So, sit back, relax, and soak in that InuAya hotness and GinShun awesomeness. Here we have two of my most beloved Inuyasha couples of all time, Inuyasha x Ayame and Ginta x Shunran, looking absolutely stunning, sexy, and fantastic as ever with their magnificent figures. For two couples who are currently in their thirties, they sure can look as amazing as ever. I hope you all enjoyed this and I will see you all in the next submission. Take care and have a great spring. Cuídaos y que tengaís una primavera grande. Inuyasha, Ayame, Ginta, and Shunran from Inuyasha belong to Rumiko Takahashi and Sunrise.

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The Kings and Princes of the Jungle drawn by me

(Kenta and Keita come in swinging on vines to greet their father, Inuyasha, and their uncles, Ginta and Kiibo.)   Kenta and Keita: Hey, dad! Hey, Uncle Ginta and Uncle Kiibo.   Inuyasha: Ah, my favorite sons of all time, hello.   Ginta: Kenta, Keita, it’s so good to see you.   Kiibo: Well, if it isn’t my most favorite nephews, Kenta and Keita.   (Inuyasha, Ginta, Kiibo, Kenta, and Keita come running towards each other and give each other a five-way body slam.)   Inuyasha, Ginta, Kiibo, Kenta, and Keita: RAAAAHH!!!   (The five then give each other a massive bear hug.)   Inuyasha: So, Kenta, Keita, how have you been?   Kenta: Oh, you know, the usual.   Keita: Hunting, scouting the jungle, and training.   Ginta: Well, that’s great to hear.   Kiibo: You two seem to be getting stronger every time we see you.   Kenta: Speaking of strong.   Keita: Dad, Uncle Ginta, Uncle Kiibo, could you please show us your muscles?   (Inuyasha, Ginta, and Kiibo look at each other and smile. They look at Kenta and Keita.)   Inuyasha, Ginta, and Kiibo: All right.   Inuyasha: Then you’ll have to make poses with us.   Ginta and Kiibo: Agreed?   Kenta and Keita: Agreed.   (Inuyasha, Ginta, and Kiibo raise their arms and flex their biceps complete with a mighty lion’s roar.)   Inuyasha, Ginta, and Kiibo: ROOOOAAAR!!!!   (The three men then show their muscular backs to Kenta and Keita. After that, Inuyasha, Ginta, and Kiibo turn around and show their pecs and deltoids.)   Inuyasha: You boys like what you see?   (Kenta then touches Inuyasha’s right bicep, who raises his arm to flex it. Meanwhile, Keita touches Ginta’s left bicep and Kiibo’s right bicep, thus comparing the two.)   Inuyasha: That’s right, Kenta. If you and Keita keep training with me and your uncles, you will be as strong as I am.   (Inuyasha raises his left bicep with a low growl.)   Ginta: Or even me.   (Ginta flexes his deltoids with a snarl.)   Kiibo: Or even me because I’m stronger than both your dad and uncle!   (Kiibo flexes both of his tremendous biceps with a roar.)   Inuyasha: So, you boys think you got what it takes to take us down in a posedown?   Ginta: We’d like to see you try.   Kiibo: Let’s see how powerful you two really are.   Kenta: Dad, uncles, we got one thing to say to you.   Keita: And you know what it is.   Kenta and Keita: It’s on!   (Inuyasha, Ginta, Kiibo, Kenta, and Keita get to their positions and start flexing their muscles. They flex their biceps, pecs, deltoids, and back muscles.)   Inuyasha: Well, I must say. We’re impressed with you two.   Kenta and Keita: Gee. Thanks, dad.   Ginta: And now.   Kiibo: The grand finale.   (Inuyasha, Ginta, Kiibo, Kenta, and Keita huddle and flex their deltoids and let out a growl.)   Inuyasha: Kenta, Keita-   Ginta: Now you have to shoulder check the three of us.   Kiibo: Come on!   Kenta and Keita: All right!   (Kenta and Keita give a forceful shoulder check to Inuyasha, Ginta, and Kiibo, who end up tumbling down on top of each other. After that, Kenta and Keita extend their hands to their father and uncles. Inuyasha, Ginta, and Kiibo pull Kenta and Keita and play wrestle with each other while laughing.)   Kenta and Keita: So, dad, uncles, what do you think?   Inuyasha: Well, we have this to say.   (Inuyasha, Ginta, and Kiibo pull Kenta and Keita to a group hug.)   Ginta: We’re really proud of you.   Kiibo: You proved yourselves to be really strong warriors.   Kenta: Hey, dad, Uncle Ginta, Uncle Kiibo.   Inuyasha, Ginta, and Kiibo: Yeah?   Kenta: We’re all best pals, right?   Inuyasha: Right.   Ginta: Absolutely.   Kiibo: No doubt about it.   Keita: And we’ll always be together.   Inuyasha, Ginta, and Kiibo: For sure.   Kenta and Keita: And we’re all gonna be strong together, right? (Kenta and Keita flex their biceps.)   Inuyasha, Ginta, and Kiibo: Yes, we are. (Inuyasha, Ginta, and Kiibo flex back.)   Inuyasha: Plus, we’re all gonna protect this jungle.   (Inuyasha, Ginta, Kiibo, Kenta, and Keita proceed to stand up.)   Inuyasha: If any poacher or enemy dares to come barge into this jungle, he will have to face me!   (Inuyasha flexes his deltoids and biceps and lets out a growl.)   Ginta: And me!   (Ginta puts his hands behind his nape thus flexing his biceps and pecs and lets out a growl.)   Kiibo: And me!   (Kiibo raises his arms, flexes his biceps, and lets out a mighty lion’s roar.)   Kenta and Keita: And us!   (Kenta and Keita put one knee down and flex their bicep.)   Inuyasha: Let’s spread the word.   Ginta: This jungle is our home.   Kiibo: And we will protect it.   Kenta: So, invaders, marauders, pillagers, and poachers.   Keita: Beware.   Inuyasha, Ginta, Kiibo, Kenta, and Keita: ROOOOAAAAARRRR!!!!   There’s absolutely no screwing around with these jungle protectors that’s for sure. Boy, I did enjoy putting Inuyasha, Ginta, and Kiibo be the Tarzans to Kenta’s and Keita’s Koraks. And let’s face it, I certainly love it when Inuyasha, Ginta, Kiibo, Kenta, and Keita have moments of badass male bonding.   Well, I hope you all enjoy this post and this picture. Until next time.   Inuyasha and Ginta from Inuyasha belong to Rumiko Takahashi and Sunrise.   Kiichi “Kiibo” Miyazawa from Shootfighter Tekken or High School Exciting Story: Tough belongs to Tetsuya Saruwatari and Anime International Company.   Kenta and Keita belong to me.

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The Three Big, Buff Beach Daddies drawn by me

This summer we have at our presence three big, buff hunks of the beach, Inuyasha, Ginta, and Kiibo, to greet the summer the only way they know how.   Inuyasha: Yo, Ginta, Kiibo, you guys ready?   Ginta: Definitely!   Kiibo: Yeah, big bro!   (Inuyasha, Ginta, and Kiibo stand in a line, raise their strong and powerful arms, and flex their biceps.)   Inuyasha, Ginta, and Kiibo: Grrrr….RAAAAH!!!!   Inuyasha: Here we are in Okinawa Island. I’m Inuyasha.   Ginta: I’m Ginta.   Kiibo: And I’m Kiibo wishing you all an awesome summer!   Inuyasha, Ginta, and Kiibo: WOOHOO!!!!   Inuyasha and Ginta from Inuyasha belong to Rumiko Takahashi and Sunrise.   Kiichi “Kiibo” Miyazawa from Shootfighter Tekken or High School Exciting Story: Tough belongs to Tetsuya Saruwatari and Anime International Company.

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Flexing with Dad and Uncles drawn by me

Ah, male bonding between two young men like Kenta and Kenta, a strong, handsome, and tough father like Inuyasha and two awesome uncles like Ginta and Kiibo. Indeed, there is nothing more enthralling than seeing these gentlemen having a nice and friendly father, uncle, son posedown. So, feast your eyes on Inuyasha, Ginta, Kiibo, Kenta, and Keita and let their muscular physiques entice you.   Inuyasha and Ginta from Inuyasha belong to Rumiko Takahashi and Sunrise.   Kiichi “Kiibo” Miyazawa from Shootfighter Tekken or High School Exciting Story: Tough belongs to Tetsuya Saruwatari and Anime International Company.   Kenta and Keita belong to me.

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Spreading and Showing the Love drawn by me

This piece of Inuyasha/Ayame and Ginta/Shunran fan art is dedicated to nekoDawnlight, who is celebrating his birthday today. So, I hope you enjoy this piece of Inuyasha fan art I did and I wish you abundance, prosperity, and joy in your life as an artist. Summer love has never looked this amazing, especially when my two beloved Inuyasha OTPs Inuyasha/Ayame and Ginta/Shunran are spreading the love to each other. So, what are you waiting for? Show these two couples some love and spread its word. Inuyasha, Ayame, Shunran, and Ginta from Inuyasha belong to Rumiko Takahashi and Sunrise.

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Let’s Flex and Fight, Shall We? drawn by me

This piece of Inuyasha fanart is dedicated to a very dear friend, a down-to-earth person, and fellow DeviantArtist, Critterz11, who makes such lovely pieces of work and who’s personality is always pleasing. So, Critterz, have a most blessed, prosperous, and awesome birthday, keep on being the fine artist that you are, and see you on the flipside. What’s not to love about Inuyasha, Ginta, Ayame, and Shunran together as one badass, tough, strong, and awesome four-person group? Or even have Inuyasha/Ayame and Ginta/Shunran as cute, lovely, fantastic, and great couples? Well, there’s a lot to love about these four. Whether they kick butt together or have moments of intimacy, there is surely never a dull nor sappy moment. Moreover, it’s always a pleasure seeing Inuyasha and Ginta being the tall, handsome, fierce, muscular Alpha Males that they are and their darling wives, Ayame and Shunran, being the tough, brave, strong women that they are who are always more than willing to open up a large can of whoop-ass. Such is the bliss of seeing these badass, gallant guardians together as one formidably unbreakable team. Well, Critterz11, I hope you enjoyed this piece of work and until then, blessed be on your very special day. Inuyasha, Ginta, Ayame, and Shunran from Inuyasha belong to Rumiko Takahashi and Sunrise.

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Care for a Challenge? drawn by me

This piece of Inuyasha fanart is dedicated to a fine DeviantArtist, PaSt8l, who is celebrating her birthday today. I wish you a lot of love, prosperity, happiness, and abundance in your life and in everything you do. (A beach on a bright summer day. Inuyasha, Ginta, Ayame, and Shunran are emerging from the ocean with determined and focused looks on their faces.) Inuyasha (raising his left arm and flexing his bicep): Hey, you. You think you got what it takes to take us down? Ginta (flexing his right bicep): Do you think you’re strong enough to challenge us? Ayame (clenching her fists): Well, what are you waiting for? We’re all here. Shunran (with her hands on her hips): And we’re ready for you if you think you have the guts to try your luck out on us. (After flexing his bicep, Inuyasha then proceeds to roll his head and shoulders.) Inuyasha: All right, team. Looks like our challenge has just begun. Let’s go! Ginta: Roger that, bro. Ayame: Got it, honey. Shunran: Sure thing, big bro-in-law. It goes without saying that one has to be daring enough to have a throwdown with Inuyasha, Ginta, Ayame, and Shunran, as they are always ready for anything. Even during the summer season, as there is also no time for them to slack off. So, while the sun is shining, one can always count on Inuyasha, Ginta, Ayame, and Shunran to be always on the prowl, kicking loads of butt, and being the general toughies that they are. Well, thank you so much for taking a gander at this piece of fanart. And to PaSt8l, I hope your birthday was a splendid one. Take care and have a great summer. Inuyasha, Ginta, Ayame, and Shunran from Inuyasha belong to Rumiko Takahashi and Sunrise.

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After Sparring Romance drawn by me

Ah, my most beloved power couples of all time, Inuyasha and Ayame and Ginta and Shunran. What’s not to love about two sexy, strong, and lovely husband and wife duos who can open up all types of whoop-ass and still be tender towards each other? Well, feast your eyes on two of my most beloved OTPs of all time having a romantic moment after some grueling physical training. Inuyasha, Ayame, Shunran, and Ginta from Inuyasha belong to Rumiko Takahashi and Sunrise.

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Ginta and Shunran: A Sexy and Sweet Power Couple

Do you want a lovely yet underrated Inuyasha couple that needs more love? Do you want a couple that’s new and refreshing? Well, you need Ginta x Shunran or GinShun. The pairing that combines a hilarious, charming, fun hunk of a gentleman and a mischievous, cute, gorgeous darling of a lady who is remarkably famous for her cherry blossom mirages. Plus, these two can kick all types of butt.   Ginta and Shunran from Inuyasha belong to Rumiko Takahashi and Sunrise.

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We Are One drawn by me

I was inspired to draw this, as the final scene from Disney’s The Lion King II: Simba’s pride with Nala, Simba, Kovu, and Kiara standing on Pride Rock left a rather strong and memorable impact on me as a viewer. So, why not remake this moment with my beloved Inuyasha power couples, Ayame and Inuyasha and Ginta and Shunran. I certainly enjoyed coming with their tribal outfits, as they are essentially one with nature, and I chose for them to have golden gauntlets, armbands, and ankle bands because I see them as royalty who are also warriors defending their tribe. Moreover, I tried to make sure that I used the right colors for the dawn sky and I decided to keep this shot as a whole body shot, given the attire they have. I hope you enjoy this piece of work and have a great summer. Ayame, Inuyasha, Ginta, and Shunran from Inuyasha belong to Rumiko Takahashi and Sunrise. The Lion King II: Simba’s Pride belongs to Disney.

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