Brickercup: The Most Epic RuffPuff Couple Ever

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This screenshot de-motivational poster is dedicated to all of my Brickercup-shipping friends, fellow artists, fans, and brethren. Ergo, soak in that Pro-Brickercup awesomeness, epicness, and greatness.

I am fully aware that a lot of you who are fans of the Rowdyruff Boys and the Powerpuff Girls know that I love, worship, and grovel at the ground Brick x Buttercup or Brickercup walks on because of how effective this particular couple is when one puts their personalities together. Brick’s brand of being large-and-in-charge, determined, focused, street smart, cool, and confident meshes beautifully with Buttercup’s toughness, independence, outspokenness, endurance, directness, and feistiness. Ergo, these two are a rambunctious pair of fighters who show lots of guts, endurance, and courage. Moreover, these two tough fighters define the old phrase “When the going gets tough, the tough get going” in spades and more.

What makes them click so effectively are not just their strong, tough, rough personalities coming together in one hot and spicy harmony and synergy, but they are also a clear-cut example of knowing that being in a relationship does not mean immediate perfection and there will always be bumps and stumbles along the way that might hinder them to reach their full potential together such as Brick’s ego and pride and Buttercup’s recklessness and fiery temper. However, with their resilient attitudes, they can be more than capable of overcoming anything and everything not only bettering themselves as individuals but as a couple. Sure, Brick and Buttercup may have their arguments, but they will easily end up bouncing back in the thick of things so long as they do not end up killing each other.

Their relationship comes into play when respect and acknowledgement are present, especially where Brick’s experience as a fighter and Buttercup’s passion for combat are concerned. Brick would always be that life partner who can show Buttercup how to properly, effectively use her attacks and focus her energy on the target every single time, thus shaping her combat prowess to its full potential. In turn, Buttercup would learn to not only respect him as a leader but also admire him for being so street smart, well-rounded, and determined and for being so different from his brothers. Together, Brick and Buttercup are inseparable.

This also leads me to state that I can see neither Brick nor Buttercup with anyone else because of how loyal they are to each other and how much their skills as fighters can easily complement each other in ways they cannot imagine.

Moreover, as you can tell in my Team Xtreme headcanon, they are the ones who are consistent not only in their relationship but also the number of children that they have. This has also come into effect with the art trades I did with fellow Brickercup shipper Katy-Gorl where I also added her Brickercup children to my Team Xtreme universe as well as being in the process of adding more Brickercup children. Therefore, the number of children Brickercup ended up having is twenty children, since I have yet to create a couple more Brickercup children. The first ten are between the ages of 8 and 7, which are the same ages as the ten Blossoomer and ten Butchubbles children, and the younger ten are between the ages of 6 and 1 the same ages as the ten Blossutch and the ten Boomubbles children. Oh, do not fret, I will have positive de-motivationals dedicated to Blossoomer, Butchubbles, Blossutch, and Boomubbles for their time will come.

Overall, if you think I am going to ever give up my love for Brickercup any time soon, you have another thing coming. Brickercup is way too precious to separate in my eyes because of everything they represent as a couple. They show resilience, determination, and courage in the face of adversity all while being physically and mentally strong enough to take any obstacle down with their bare hands.

I hope you all enjoyed this and I will see you all in the next submission. Take care, everybody.

Brick, Buttercup, and this screenshot from “The Rowdyruff Boys” from The Rowdyruff Boys and The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.


  • I'm an American actor, voice actor, singer and reviewer with a strong Filipino and Spanish heritage living in Berlin, Germany. I love and I am passionate about opera, anime, cartoons, movies, theater and basically the arts and culture and general.

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