The Point of No Return drawn by me

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You have come here
in pursuit of
your deepest urge,
in pursuit of
that wish,
which till now
has been silent,
silent . . .

I have brought you,
that our passions
may fuse and merge –
in your mind
you’ve already
succumbed to me
dropped all defenses
completely succumbed to me –
now you are here with me:
no second thoughts,
you’ve decided,
decided . . .

Past the point
of no return –
no backward glances:
our games of make-believe are at an end . . .
Past all thought
of “if” or “when” –
no use resisting:
abandon thought,
and let the dream
descend . . .

What raging fire
shall flood the soul?
What rich desire
unlocks its door?
What sweet seduction
lies before
us . . .?

Past the point
of no return,
the final threshold –
what warm,
unspoken secrets
will we learn?
Beyond the point
of no return . . .

You have brought me
to that moment
where words run dry,
to that moment
where speech
into silence,
silence . . .

I have come here,
hardly knowing
the reason why . . .
In my mind,
I’ve already
imagined our
bodies entwining
defenseless and silent –
and now I am
here with you:
no second thoughts,

I’ve decided,
decided . . .

Past the point
of no return –
no going back now:
our passion-play
has now, at last,
begun . . .
Past all thought
of right or wrong –
one final question:
how long should we
two wait, before
we’re one . . .?

When will the blood
begin to race
the sleeping bud
burst into bloom?
When will the flames,
at last, consume
us . . .?

Past the point
of no return
the final threshold –
the bridge
is crossed, so stand
and watch it burn . . .
We’ve passed the point
of no return . . .
– The Point of No Return of “Don Juan Triumphant” from Andrew Lloyd Webber’s The Phantom of the Opera, Text by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Richard Stilgoe, Lyrics by Charles Hart and Richard Stilgoe, Based on Gaston Leroux’s “The Phantom of the Opera”, First performance on October 9, 1986 at Her Majesty’s Theatre, London, England, Great Britain

This piece of Butchubbles fan art, which is part of BrickercupMasterX3’s Butchubbles Month, is dedicated to VishKeks, Cherin Bishop-Thorpe aka Rinnii, ujikintoki aka ujikin, Jonathan Edward Dolnier aka Pokejedservo, and Andre Partridge aka nakuuro who celebrated their birthdays a few days ago and KingofTheDragons1 and CyrizScarlet who are celebrating their birthdays today. So, I wish you so much love, prosperity, abundance, beauty, strength, and greatness in your lives as artists and as people and may you have such marvelous birthday celebrations. This is also dedicated to all of the Butchubbles shippers out there, so, do sit back, relax, and soak in that lovely Butchubbles goodness.

Butch as The Phantom of the Opera and Bubbles as Christine Daaé have struck again. This time they are in one of my other favorite musical numbers of all time “The Point of No Return”. Sure, for some people, it is rather problematic, since Christine does not easily recognize that the gentleman who is playing Don Juan is not Ubaldo Piangi but the Phantom himself. Regardless, it is a steamy life-or-death duet that knows how to raise the stakes and it is glorious in its execution when done right. With Bubbles as Christine playing Aminta, I took a lot of inspiration from the original costume design for the stage but I also added that red flower Emmy Rossum’s Christine in the film version had for good measure. I am fully aware that the Phantom should have been fully cloaked, but I decided to go with giving Butch’s Phantom a fancy hat, making the mouth cloaked with a piece of black cloth, and make him be fully donned in black. Overall, I am rather pleased with the results.

Since I love this duet so much, I decided to compile five of my favorite Phantoms Michael Crawford, Colm Wilkinson, Alexander Goebel, Saulo Vasconcelos, and Ramin Karimloo and five of my favorite Christines Sarah Brightman, Rebecca Caine, Luiza Nistler, Irasema Terrazas, and Sierra Boggess. Sit back and enjoy these renditions as well, as you gaze into this sensual Butchubbles moment.

Michael Crawford and Sarah Brightman…

Colm Wilkinson and Rebecca Caine…

Alexander Goebel and Luiza Nistler (Auf Deutsch)…

Saulo Vasconcelos and Irasema Terrazas (En Español)…

Ramin Karimloo and Sierra Boggess…

I hope you all enjoyed this piece of Butchubbles fan art, what with Butch as the Phantom and Bubbles as Christine. See you in the next submission.

Butch and Bubbles from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.


  • I'm an American actor, voice actor, singer and reviewer with a strong Filipino and Spanish heritage living in Berlin, Germany. I love and I am passionate about opera, anime, cartoons, movies, theater and basically the arts and culture and general.

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